James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

About two weeks ago on April 24th Megan and I got the opportunity to visit and eat at an African restaurant downtown Minneapolis called Tam Tam's African Restaurant. I was able to get a glimpse of the menu online before we went and I will be honest with you, I was a bit nervous. It just so happened that they were serving a buffet for lunch. So, we thought the buffet would be the best way to go, since we would get to taste a little of everything. The experience was great for us. I can't say that I really disliked any of the food. It was definitely different, but very good. The owner and the only waiter at the time we came into the restaurant happened to over here us talking about the trip and told us that he was actually from Uganda. The rest of the time was spent sharing our mission with him and taking in all the advice he had to offer us about Africa. He asked if we would come back after our trip and tell him all about it and bring lots of pictures to show him. That's exactly what we plan on doing when we get back! If any of you are interested in checking out Tam's Tam's I encourage you to do so! You can check the restaurant out at: www.tamtamsrestaurant.com. It was truly a blessing getting to meet this man. He had so many good things to say about Uganda. I find myself getting a little more nervous, well I should say anxious, because I am excited yet I get more and more nervous as the date gets closer. However, there is no doubt in my mind that God is going to make this a life changing experience that I will never forget. Please continue to keeps us in your prayers and thank you agian for all your wonderful support!

God Bless,

Melanie Flink


  1. I can't wait to follow your journey! I am excited that you will be able to spend time with my "blog friend", Gwen's little guy!

    You will be in my prayers!

  2. Hi, I just popped over hear from the Oatsvall Team blog. I'll be following your blog and keeping up on your adventures while you are in Africa. I have been to Uganda twice, and when I was there last fall I opened Redeemer House Orphanage, a small orphanage in Busiga, near Kampala. In September I will be returning, bringing a 21 year old girl named Elycia who will be staying behind to work at Redeemer House. I will also be meeting my newest grandson, who now lives at Sanyu Baby Home, but will soon (we hope) be at home with his forever family in California. I look forward to follwing your blog, and hearing your God stories from ABC. Could you post an itinerary of when you will be leaving, and how long you will be there? God bless!
