James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Second-hand Update

(posted by Meg's dad)

We talked with Megan earlier today. Life in Uganda is going well, with only a few more days before they head back home. We got the sense that they are already feeling sad about the prospect of leaving the kids, as Amani has apparently made a significant impression on them.
Megan mentioned that they have a whitewater rafting trip planned for Friday. This may sound strange for their Africa adventure, but Jinja is known as a real adventure spot. It is the source of the White Nile, which has Class 3 and Class 4 rapids just below Jinja. Throw in bungee jumping and ATV riding, and a lot of tourists visit Jinja for an adrenalin rush. The girls are going with a group of 5-6 others associated with Amani (either volunteers or friends of volunteers). Meg said that Melanie is a little apprehensive about the experience, so please pray for their safety as they venture into the wild water in a couple of days.
We expect to hear more later about their experience with the babies, although they have shared that diaper changing in Uganda is a far "different" experience than in the U.S. Hopefully, they will elaborate on it.
They are set to travel back on Saturday evening (10:40 p.m. Uganda time), and arrive home around 10:30 p.m. Sunday evening.

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