James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm giving all back to Him!

Spending time with & unconditionally loving on these same kids everyday for the last three months, we have formed an attachment to them or a sort of ownership over them. You’ll here us refer to the 12 boys that we work with everyday as “my boys” or we refer to that one child we develop a very special bond with as “my baby”. So, the thought of having to leave my boys has been weighing very heavy on my heart and has raised a lot of questions that were unsettled within me, like who’s going to take my place and make sure my boys get enough love everyday when I’m gone. Or how will I ever be at peace not knowing how each and every one of those kids is doing everyday? Then, I was reminded of this verse in the bible, John 14:18, which says this, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” God made it very clear to me in that verse that they are not “my boys”, they are His children. He called us here to love on and take care of His boys for some time and He will be there when we are no longer. Now that our time here is nearing the end, I’m preparing to give it all back to Him, to turn it back over to the Almighty God who called us here and who has a plan for each and everyone of the children here, just like He has a plan for you and me.  And to think that I thought God didn’t have it all under control, ha! Our pastor said this about God during one of his sermons, “God doesn’t ever need to hire a consultant.” This is so true. God knows everything, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. There is nothing that God cannot handle and through God all things are possible. How incredible is that! God never ceases to amaze me.

There is no doubt that our hearts will be breaking when we have to say goodbye to the kids, but we know that God will take care of and provide for each and every child that is brought here, just like he has faithfully provided for us. It will take time for our hearts to heal and recover, but God will be there every step of the way, helping us heal.

Prayer Requests:

-Emotionally: please, continue to pray for us as we prepare our hearts for leaving. We are down to only two weeks now! Please, keep us in your prayers even after we have returned home, and are adjusting back to life at home.
-Health: please, pray that we continue to stay healthy for the rest of our stay here and during our travels back home.
-Travel: we leave here on December 9th, in just two weeks! Please, pray for a safe journey back home.

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving ,surrounded by friends and family! We had a great Thanksgiving here in Uganda. It made us miss our family back home a lot, but we were so thankful to have such a wonderful family of volunteers and other missionaries here to spend it with and the food tasted just like home too!

Many blessings to you,


 This is the sweet boy that I have formed an extra special relationship with. He makes my heart happy, I just adore him! He's my favorite snuggle bug. Photo taken by: Hannah Coen.

Here is the cute boy Megan has formed a very special relationship with since we've been here. He is too cute for his own good! He's always making us laugh.

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