James 1:27
Friday, July 10, 2009
We rafted down the Nile River!
Can't wait to see you all and tell you our many stories!
Melanie & Megan
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Second-hand Update
We talked with Megan earlier today. Life in Uganda is going well, with only a few more days before they head back home. We got the sense that they are already feeling sad about the prospect of leaving the kids, as Amani has apparently made a significant impression on them.
Megan mentioned that they have a whitewater rafting trip planned for Friday. This may sound strange for their Africa adventure, but Jinja is known as a real adventure spot. It is the source of the White Nile, which has Class 3 and Class 4 rapids just below Jinja. Throw in bungee jumping and ATV riding, and a lot of tourists visit Jinja for an adrenalin rush. The girls are going with a group of 5-6 others associated with Amani (either volunteers or friends of volunteers). Meg said that Melanie is a little apprehensive about the experience, so please pray for their safety as they venture into the wild water in a couple of days.
We expect to hear more later about their experience with the babies, although they have shared that diaper changing in Uganda is a far "different" experience than in the U.S. Hopefully, they will elaborate on it.
They are set to travel back on Saturday evening (10:40 p.m. Uganda time), and arrive home around 10:30 p.m. Sunday evening.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Things always getting better!

Hey everyone! :)
The title to our blog is part of a song that the mamas always sing with the children here at Amani. Things are still going great over here in Jinja! There are three different baby rooms at Amani, baby A, B, and C. We have been in the room called Baby B the whole week. The babies in baby B are any where from 9-15 months and there are about 10 kids in the room right now. They are very sweet and so much fun, because most of them are just getting a hang of walking.
Yesterday we got to go to two other orphanages the first one we visited is called Home Sweet Home Uganda and it is run by two women who are both originally from the Netherlands. The home opened in Janurary and house children with disabilities and right now there are 11 children there and tomorrow (Saturday) one of the children from Amani is going to be moving in there to make it 12. The max age limit at Amani is age 5. When one of our children reaches the age of 5 they are either then adopted, reunited with their families if they have any, or moved to another home where the house older children. He has reached the age of 5 and is also physically disabled and we feel they are better equiped to care for him than we are. He has Aaskargs Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder (sorry that I have to keep saying "he", but we aren't supposed to use the kids' names for obvious reasons). The second one we went to is called Our Own Home and it has around 45 kids of ages infant-15 and it was so much fun to play games with kids older than the age of 5. Our Own Home only houses children who are HIV positive. It was a great experience to see other orphanages and how they differ from Amani. It was great to meet some more of God's beautiful children! Today we're taking some of the babies from baby C to the pool. We're hoping they all enjoy the water, because it's hot here today!
Happy Forth of July!
Melanie & Megan
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hey everybody! So we decided since we weren’t getting internet at the home we would just come into town and get it. Well, we have been here a week and we both love it so far. Yesterday we went to church and got to experience riding a boda boda (a motorcycle or bicycle taxi) for the first time. It was actually a good experience. We both really liked taking the boda boda especially because without them you have to walk everywhere, which gets really tiring in the hot weather. After church we got the opportunity to fellowship with a bunch of people we met from church that morning and we all went to eat at the Braza Resort. In Uganda, when you order food, it takes at least an hour for a table of two to get their food, but yesterday we had a table of 23. It took almost 3 hours to get our food. It was good though! We have Saturday mornings off and all day Sunday off. So, the rest of the day we just hung out with some of the other volunteers inside, because it was pouring rain outside. We will try to get on more frequently, but no promises since internet here is limited.
Lots of love from Africa!
Melanie & Megan
We finally made it!
We love and miss you all!
Megan and Melanie

Melanie and her long-lost bags!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Quick Update - Friday 6/26
Talked with Megan briefly this morning - actually around 4:30 p.m. Uganda Time. They are continuing to enjoy their time with the kids, and are looking forward to the weekend off. No set plans yet, but they are talking with the other workers there to get some ideas. Megan had mentioned before going that she might look into rafting or something else to be able to see more of Uganda. They are going out with several folks from Amani for dinner at the Gately (a guest house across the street from Amani - a real 4 star place in Uganda or anywhere else for that matter!). It should be a great experience for them as they get to know everyone better. Although Megan didn't mention it, I suspect that they will have their first opportunity to enjoy an African church service - which usually runs about 3-4 hours, but is definitely lively.
Melanie's bags arrived today. Better that they arrived on day #4 than on day #18. Now they can begin to completely settle in to their trip.
The internet connection at the Amani Baby Cottage is still down. The girls will try to get online over the weekend and update the blog with more of their experiences.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
T.I.A. - An update from Africa
T.I.A. - This Is Africa
Although the girls have been in Uganda for about 2 1/2 days now, we finally had a chance to talk with them by phone for the first time since their arrival. They are well into the swing of things, working with the kids for the first full day today. It sounds like their travel difficulties - which they will likely share more about later - have all been worth it so far.
Communication has been difficult, as the internet at Amani is experiencing some problems right now. And Melanie is still waiting for both her bags to arrive. If the girls weren't close before, a few more days of sharing everything from shirts to underwear will likely bring them a WHOLE lot closer.
It sounds like working with the kids is going great for both girls. They had a chance to take some of the children into Jinja for shakes earlier in the day.
The girls are getting ready for bed right now, and are just about caught up on sleep. In fact, Megan mentioned that the first day after they arrived (Tuesday) they slept until 4 p.m.
As the internet issues are resolved, Megan and Melanie will share more about their trip. Please continue to pray that they will remain flexible (they have done an awesome job in working through their travel issues) as they help at Amani, and for the children and full-time workers there.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
We decided to go to Houston, Texas instead of Africa.... Just kidding!
We thank you again for all your love and support! Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
With much love,
Melanie & Megan
Thursday, May 7, 2009
God Bless,
Melanie Flink
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hello to all our lovely family & friends!
Amani Baby Cottage, where we're staying in Africa, has wireless internet so, we thought it would be a great idea for us to set up a blog website so that you guys could keep track of all that we're doing while we're there. As the date gets closer we continue to get more and more excited each day and are even more excited to share our journey with you. We want to truly and sincerely thank you all very much for supporting us financially and through prayer! It means so much to us! Also, just a heads up that we will try our best to stay active and update you on the pre trip details and emotions, but be sure to check up on us while we're over in Africa and feel free to send us some love and encouragement too. We have already received so much encouragement and it has just been a blessing! Thank you!
God Bless,
Megan & Melanie