James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Isn't it funny how selfish we can be?

Earlier this week we had the opportunity to go to a hospital and work with a ministry that gives a bag of food to mothers with small children who are in desperate need of food. As we handed out the bags of food to the mothers, we got to know some of them. One mother is 15 years old and her baby is just a week old. When she was asked what her baby's name was, she wouldn't tell us and she tried to tell us that the baby was not hers, that it was her sister's. We later learned that she was too embarrassed to admit it was her child, because she is only 15. We would try talking to her and she wouldn't respond or even look at us. It broke our hearts to see her like that. Can you imagine that? Her life as a teenager is over, she has to care for a newborn baby. She now has to take on the huge responsibility of keeping her baby boy healthy and, most importantly, safe at the age of 15. I can't even imagine that. Another mother had a baby with a slim chance at living a long life because she didn't have the resources to keep her baby healthy, so he became very sick, with many illnesses when he was born & he came very close to death. Thankfully, with lots of prayer and God's blessing on this ministry, the boy is a healthy one year old now because of proper nutrition. In America we rely on all the fancy machines to keep us alive if we become ill, but most places here, if you can find a doctor that has a little bit of schooling is a huge blessing. I find myself so often taking things in my life for granted. It saddens me to think of how much I complain about when I have so much. When kids all over the world would give up anything and everything to have a life the way I live. God has opened my eyes before to things like this, but it is so easy to push it all in the back of my mind. It is so hard to grasp the idea of people living in a tiny, one room hut, with dirt floors, and if they are lucky, a mat for everyone to sleep on. When I sleep in a big comfy bed all to myself, in my own room, in a secure home. So I just ignore it, how selfish of me. So, now I ask you, is there something going on in your life that God has been putting on your heart for some time now, but you just ignore it because that's the easy thing to do? I encourage you to pray that God will work with you to make it a priority in your life.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy that stuff like this actually happens around the world? There are so many people suffering in this world that most people don't even know exist. How sad. It's truly amazing what you two girls are doing. Yall are so inspiring

