James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Preparing for our return...

Well, it's been a crazy journey getting ready for our trip so far. As the days are winding down until we leave we're scrambling to get things together, seeing as we had only a month to raise support and plan a trip lasting for three months in a foreign country. Throughout this whole process we really had to learn what completely trusting God, with everything, means. We had all these doubts and worries about not raising enough support and I was very hesitant in taking a semester off of school to make this trip, but God made it very clear to me that He wants me in Uganda at Amani Baby Cottage this fall and that I need to learn how to fully trust Him. He has shown us great things when we place all our trust in Him, that He will provide for our every need, even when it seems impossible for things to work out, it is possible because NOTHING is impossible for God.

We are very anxious to leave, although it will be a bittersweet goodbye to our family and friends that we're leaving behind, but we know that our hearts will be at ease when we get there. We fly out on September 12th. Please, keep us in your prayers as we prepare for our departure. We thank you so much for your overwhelming support, we appreciate it more than you know!




  1. love the song selections on this! I will be following you on this blog like Irple stalked me freshman year. :)

  2. I will be thinking and praying for you both. Have fun and enjoy every minute of it!
